I am so happy with this cutie. I had crafted Eddy as a gift for a friend in Ireland who has a dog named Eddy. However, once I parted ways with my little creation, I couldn’t help but miss him dearly. To make matters worse, poor Cooper, my other doggie, lost his canine companion as well.
But using Cooper’s pattern, Eddy was easily brought back to life again. The only difference between the two are Eddy’s ears. And on Eddy I used a steel brush to fluff up his snout and ears. Let me tell you, that was quite an experience! Better to use a pet slicker brush, but I happened to have a steel brush in my shed, so I made do with it, despite the occasional ouch.
Similar to Cooper, Eddy was crafted on a 12 peg flower loom, which has become my go-to tool for creating these doggies. For now, Eddy wears a simple sweater made with tweed yarn, but I’m excited to experiment with multi-colored fair isle sweaters for him and Cooper. It’s a new technique that I’ve yet to master on a knitting loom.
Little Eddy has filled my life with even more joy, and I can’t wait to continue crafting unique garments for him and his best friend Cooper.
A full pattern for making Eddy is available in my shop. This pattern includes a pattern for making a striped doggie sweater with belt.