Watch out!  Here is Mack, my little loom knitted raven.

Little Mack might look cute, but he is a bit of a gangster. He’s got a taste for all things that twinkle and shine and even stole a bracelet from my jewelry box. Worried he’d steal more, I entrusted him with a special mission – guarding my precious possessions. Remarkably, he takes his duty with the utmost seriousness. To reward him I “crowned” Mack with a top hat, made with shiny yarn. I think he looks quite dapper with it.

Now making Mack was quite easy. I just followed the pattern that I made for my eagles Maverick and Dakota, except I made Mack a bit smaller. Needless to say that Maverick and Dakota are far from thrilled by this new addition to the Loomies realm. They insisted that, given their majestic eagle status, they should tower over Mack at least fourfold.  Except in the realm of Loomies sizes are always small and never realistic 😊.

If you’re interested in creating your very own Mack, you can download a pattern here.

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