Introducing my cute owlies, Einstein and Newton

The journey of Einstein and Newton, my newly knitted owlies, began with a creative spark ignited by a picture of the real Einstein and his iconic mad hair. Thus, their funky hairdos were born.

To ensure that Einstein and Newton stood out from the crowd, I turned to my yarn basket, seeking colours that would bring them to life. I wanted these knitted companions to be anything but dreary, so I mixed and matched leftover yarns. I am quite chuffed how they turned out. In homage to the intellectual giants after whom they were named, Einstein and Newton proudly wear tiny knitted graduation caps.  I really should add some spectacles too, something I might add in future. Will need some wire…

Einstein and Newton were crafted on my trusty 20 peg loom and their wings and feet on a french loom spool.

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