Fun with Furries

When I first started loom knitting I never realised you could knit with furry yarn, or also called faux fur. Love it! So I started making these furry balls. I call them Furries, aren’t they cute? The fun part is you can accessorise them with different hats and make them in different colours. But be warned, if you have too many of them they clutter your place. Sometimes I am getting Gremlin visions of them turning into little monsters. Good idea though for a new project: little Furrie monsters :). Anyway, best to give them away.

Now if you like to make them yourself, you can donwload the pattern and/or watch my video tutorial. If you like to buy one as a gift, please send me a mail and I can see what I can do. Plan is to make them available in my Etsy store. Still working on that.

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